Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Breiden Thomas Salazar

Welcome to the World Breiden!

A very exhausted Mom and Baby

So Sweet!

Big Sister and Baby

Kisses From Parker

Preston gets to hold Breiden

BREIDEN IS HERE!! Ok, well he was here a couple weeks ago technically. We are so excited to have this beautiful new addition to our family. Breiden was born on February 22nd at 1:30 in the morning. We were scheduled to have him induced later that morning, but he didn't want to wait, and to be honest neither did Mom, although by the time it was all said and done I had been up for almost 24 hours straight, and was definitely exhausted! He weighed 7lb 14 ounces, and was 19 inches long, which was kinda a suprise for Mom & Dad, because we had an ultrasound on him a month earlier, and he was already 7 lbs. They say that babies gain 1/2 lb a week the last month, so I expected a nine pound baby, but was happy that he wasn't that big in the end. He's such a good baby, loves his sleep and loves to be cuddled-lucky for him, he has more than enough arms to hold him to go around!

1 comment:

Jillene said...

congratulations!! He is adorable!!